And what if...what could walk this journey of fatherhood with NO REGRETS?
No Regrets only opens to new members twice a year. Be the first to receive access when No Regrets opens again in Spring of 2021!
Waitlisted members also receive special previews of NO REGRETS content in the coming months.
We do the heavy lifting for you. We interview the nation's leading fatherhood experts AND talk with men who have gone before. We ask them the hard questions so we all are fathered by them.
Don't let YouTube be your father. These practical guides (templates, reflections, conversation starters, execution plans, etc.) will drive you to practical application in your intentional relationship with your child.
Honest. Raw. Relevant. Each month, we record a real-life conversation with a father just like you about how he’s navigating his world as a dad. We’ll hear about the joys and pains, the wins and the losses, and together find guidance for the road ahead.
Bring your drink and stogie, and join us at the virtual fire. We conclude each month together with other NO REGRETS men with a brief teaching, discussion, and reframing of the fathering journey. You don't have to father alone.
"I've had little guidance on how to make men out of our three sons. No Regrets has provided a learning path for my fathering and surrounded me with a fellowship of men on the same journey. I am deeply grateful for the No Regrets community and resources."
"I love the coaching that I get from No Regrets. It’s more than an amazing course. It’s a community of real-life support that helps me win at being a dad every week."
"Having No Regrets during a time where I’m unable to participate in church, small groups, or my men’s group, has been hugely important in feeding my head and heart with truth, knowledge and encouragement. "
Where are we taking you?
Wake up to the importance of fathering and to realize what is at stake if we do not father with intention.
Consider your own story and address the broken parts of ourselves so that we do not leak our stories into the lives of our children.
Learn the categories of intentionality, different postures of fatherhood, some tools for creating a vision for your children.
Dive deep into the brass tacks of fatherhood - making specific plans, rites of passage, building a brotherhood of other dads.
Bring the fullness of what God has gifted you to be to the world. It's restoring that which is broken, and co-creating with God the kingdom he designed.
While we know the fathering journey is never done, when we learn these 5 stages well, we can look back and say, "I gave my kids what I did not receive." That's a man with no regrets!
Each month, you'll receive the NO REGRETS JOURNEY GUIDE in your inbox. Designed to provide you with practical tools to engage your story and your children with intention.
Get the Monthly Guides AND
Be sure to take advantage of this limited offer.* When you become a NO REGRETS member at $29 AND your wife joins the Fierce and Lovely Mom's Membership at $29 (total of $58) you'll receive these bonuses in addition to full membership to both:
*Offer Ends September 22, 2020
We all need it easy, right?! Whether you are working out, commuting, or sitting on the toilet, you can access everything on your phone.
No Regrets. No excuses.
So glad you asked!
When you join, you'll see "Mom's Email" in the checkout form. Make sure you use the same email she did when she signed up for the Fierce and Lovely Mom's Membership. When we have confirmation of dual enrollment, we'll start sending you your bonuses!
Your NO REGRETS Membership provides you 24/7 access to the entire NO REGRETS library, where you can access everything whenever and wherever you want.
In addition, each month you'll get:
Yes, and no.
Our focus is on YOU, the dad. As a result, most of what we talk about is YOUR growth as a father.
At the same time, we all have specific questions about fathering daughters and fathering sons. AND, we know those questions change as the kids get older. Therefore, we have sections within the membership where we address specific issues for certain ages and genders.
You will receive new content each week! You'll get an email letting you know new content is available. You can then access that at any time that works for you. Everything then stays in the library forever, so you can always go back, catch up, or review again. It's pretty slick.
Additionally, all members have the opportunity to gather monthly for our virtual LIVE teaching and discussion on the month's theme. Don't miss it!
All of the live group gatherings are recorded and archived, so you can check them out whenever you like. The only thing you'd miss is the opportunity to engage in the live teaching and discussion with other NO REGRETS dads.
Notifications are sent monthly alerting members when that month's live session will be.
YES! There's an app for that!
Of course, you can access NO REGRETS from any web-browser anywhere. You will receive login instructions upon joining.
But to make it even more accessible, you can download the Kajabi app on your smartphone as well. Use the same credentials to log into the app, and NO REGRETS will be right there waiting for you.
Yes absolutely!
Our partners over at Fierce and Lovely Moms have created a unique virtual experience for mothers just like this one! Learn more here.
We're with you.
And, we also know we only invest in what we value. NO REGRETS is an investment into your relationship with your kids. If you want that relationship to deepen, to be more intentional, and to be able to navigate life's challenges - then join us.
We already spend money on Netflix, Spotify, and Starbucks. At best we get mindless entertainment. At worst, we lose time, focus, and energy.
Investing a little now in NO REGRETS has the potential to transform you, your children, and your family tree.
Give it a shot, and see what begins to change.
While we'd love you to stick with us as long as you are a dad, of course you can cancel your membership at any time.
However, if you choose to sign up again in the future, there is no guarantee the price will be the same.
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