Why I Hate Christmas Carols

advent carols christmas love

I really and truly despise most Christmas songs. Seriously.   

I know that makes me sound like a grinch, and in many respects I suppose I might be. This year, even before Thanksgiving rolled around, my family started playing Christmas music and I thought I would lose my mind.   

The Christmas season is full of tradition, from family gatherings to Christmas cookies, from decades-old decorations to familiar smells coming from the kitchen. There is something deeply warming about Christmastime, and my heart longs for the increased time with family and the slower pace that it all demands. It's always a gift to me that it comes at the end of the year, reminding us that the rush of life is meaningless without a focus on those most dear created by the One most holy.  

Today is the 4th Sunday of Advent, the season of longing and anticipation for the celebration of the coming King. We have walked through Hope, Peace and Joy, and today we light the candle of Love. And that's why I hate Christmas songs, especially the ones that depict the entrance of Jesus into this world as nonchalant, silent, or sweet. While he came as an unassuming baby in an unassuming way, his Love was far from unassuming.  

The Love of Jesus is defiant. His Love is passionate, powerful and protective. His Love is subversive and revolutionary. His Love is the greatest power in the universe. To light the candle of Love today is an act of bold opposition against the regime of darkness, and to proclaim victory over all that binds and destroys. The Love of God has entered the world on a mission to bring hope, restore peace, and release joy. Love is so beautifully subtle and so audaciously kind.  

Where are the songs about that?! Jesus, the baby who invites us to defiant Love?  

This Christmas week, while the soft and sweet choruses echo endlessly in the background, may we all know the bold defiance of a God who shows us that Love is far more courageous and strong than we realize. And may it invite you to a Love that breaks down barriers, spans chasms, and subtly defies darkness.  

Merry Christmas!  

Chris Bruno
Restoration Project Co-Founder

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