Meet Jeremy!

As of this month, December 2021, we have officially brought on a new team member! Jeremy Williamson, who was already doing some work with our sister organization Restoration Counseling, will now be taking on a part time role as our Director of Restorative Experiences. We wanted to give you a quick glimpse of the man here!

Jeremy, where are you, and where are you from? 

I grew up in rural Oregon in the foothills of the Cascade mountains. I currently live in the foothills of the Ozarks in southern Missouri. 

What is a scent from your childhood that holds a lot of meaning for you? 

Dirt and fir. I grew up in an area that qualifies as temperate rainforest, so the smell of dirt and moss and douglass fir trees takes me back to some pretty special places in my memory. 

What are your hobbies? 

I love to travel. I love snowboarding. I love playing outside.

Tell us about your family. 

I am married to the most beautiful and fierce woman on the planet. Rachel is passionate about Jesus, takes incredible care of all of us in our family, and has a real estate business on the side. My oldest, Aisha, is 14. She's a powerhouse volleyball player and one of the kindest people I know. Gabriel is 11. He is tender and funny and completely wild about guns and hunting. Levi is 10. He is a force of nature. Levi is brilliant, powerful, and an amazing soccer player.

What is your new role with RP? 

I am the Director of Restorative Experiences. That means that get to dream about how RP can continue to offer experiences which invite men to engage their families, their God, and their own hearts with intentionality. 

How many countries have you traveled to? Which one was your best experience? Least favorite experience? 

I've been to 44 countries. It is so hard to pick a favorite experience! I'd have to say that I've had some unbelievably sweet moments out in the bush in East Africa sitting around a fire in a village in the middle of nowhere. That is a scene which has played out many times, and it is one of my favorite places to be on planet earth. Least favorite? I used to work in the world of international disaster relief, so there have been some tough scenes...but I'd say that even worse than that was trying to find a non-touristy place to eat one night with Rachel in Venice when we were both hangry and there were hordes of tourists everywhere. It didn't end well.

What excites you about 2022? 

For me, 2022 is the beginning of a season that seems stuffed full of possibility. Having the freedom to engage full time with Restoration Project and Restoration Counseling means that I get to give so much of my energy to engaging the lives and stories of men all over the place. Are you kidding me?! I can't believe this is what I get to do for work.

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